Emeli Sande – Heaven – Cover

So here is one the songs that I think that represents my vision of the band’s style, and what I was aiming for with this project. We basically played in the internal patio of my village’s town hall, that is literally a moorish house. The acoustics of the place where quite good. I took a bass drum mic and an aerial mic for the drums, because the place was quite small, and there was no need to mic up the whole drum kit. The rest of the instruments went directly into the mixing desk. I used my uncles old guitar synthesizer, the Roland GR-1, which is a very cool and fun little piece of equipment that sounds very 80’s, which isn’t really my favourite music decade, but it did the job quite neatly. The concert in general, went quite smoothly, there were a couple of mistakes here and there, and I was a bit nervous, but that was really because we just did a couple of days of rehearsals before the gig, and even though the songs were very simple, two days isn’t enough to create enough confidence to play them live. But this song we did rehearse a bit more and I’m very satisfied with the result. Overall, an enjoyable concert…

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